$5.00 – $25.00
Morris Nitsun, group analyst and artist, will present a series of paintings he produced during lockdown in the months March to August 2020. Struck by the panic that swept through Europe in the early outbreak of the virus, transforming vibrant cities and towns into empty, desolate places, he was moved to capture images of these places in paint. The result is a striking body of work, evoking the dread that haunted communities – and still does.
In addition to the online exhibition, Morris will speak about the paintings, putting them in the context of his own experience of the corona virus, his background and interests as an artist, and the sense he tried to make of the massive social and existential impact of the pandemic. This embraces themes of illness and loss but there are glimmers of hope in the dark – of a renewed world, of the creative and collaborative spirit that survives trauma.
Principle References: Becker, E (1973) The Denial of Death, New York: Free Press Paperbacks
Kaufmann, J (1994) Group Thanatropics in Pines, M and Schermer, V (eds) Ring of Fire London: Routledge
Nitsun, M (2015) Beyond the Ant-group: Survival and Transformation London: Routledge
Morris Nitsun is an internationally known psychologist, psychotherapist and group analyst. He is a training group analyst at the Institute of Group Analysis, London. In 2015 he was awarded the Royal College of Psychiatrist President’s medal for servicest o mental heal th, including group psychotherapy. He is the author of “The Anti-group: destructive forces in the group and their creative potential” (1996, 2015) and “The Group as an Object of Desire” (2006), both of which have been described as classics in the field. His most recent book is “Beyond the Anti-group: survival and transformation” (2015). As an artist, he has painted for many decades and has held regular exhibitions of his work in London galleries. His work is in collections across the world.
Corresponding Author Name and Surname: Dr. Morris Nitsun Short Presentation: Psychologist, psychotherapist, group analyst Email: [email protected]