IAGP WEBINAR: Changing Those who are a Drain into a Gain By Dr. Carlos Raimundo Relationships are the source of satisfaction, joy, as well as pain and suffering. Learning how to change those who are a pain into a gain is an “art that can be learned.” In this workshop, you’ll be able to use a crafted Sociometric Demand and Frequency Graph, designed by the presenter, to: ● Map a social atom, family, work, etc., evaluating which relationships are of gain and which ones are draining. ● Identify the effect of those relationships through the lens of active role theory. ● Develop practical action plans to enhance positive connections and explore creative strategies to navigate relationships that are of pain and better enjoy those that are a gain. The instructional segment of the workshop will be recorded, while the experiential sharing aspect will not be captured. SEPTEMBER 28th – 2 to 4 pm CET REGISTRATION LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEuc-2spjMpG9yhIoefd-Gu-qqZMYleA1xI