Dear Colleagues, Dear Dreamers, Our IAGP Social Dreaming Matrix is on European summer break. We will start again Tuesday 10th September 2024 at 9.00am CET. For joining in the IAGP Social Dreaming Matrix please click on the same link Meeting ID: 863 4666 64 Passcode: 68228 We believe in Dreams, and connections in groups like us. Dreams can accompany our life and help to grow our destiny in this collective trauma of post Covid19, War, Earthquake and Climate Change. In IAGP Social Dreaming Matrix more than 299 colleagues meet in the last 207 sessions on Zoom and share 2803 dreams, from more of 43 countries like India, Bangladesh, Brasil, France, Spain, Italy, China, France, Japan, Singapore, Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Gaza, Turkey, Norway, Germany, Sweden, Portugal, Austria, Germany, Finland, South Africa, Italy, Finland, Argentina, Chile, Egypt, Ukraine, Russia, USA, Switzerland, Belgium, Mexico, Greece, UK, United, Arab Emirates, Holland, Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Hungary, Georgia, New Zeland, Australia, Albania, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Lebanon and others countries. We will wait you and your Dreams! If you like to invite to IAGP SDM colleagues from your country, they are welcome. From Tuesday September 10th – we will have sessions of Social Dreaming Matrix every Tuesday, at 9.00 am CET, following the ideas of Gordon Lawrence, until 10.00 am CET. This is a IAGP net work project for IAGP members and not members, with free participation. This is a recurring meeting, you can use always the same link to attend in the SDM session. The language will be English. Have good Dreams for your Life, for IAGP, for the World! Warm regards Maurizio Gasseau Co – Chair IAGP Education Committee