Dear Andreas, thank you very much for your time for this interview. You are very busy with your work, and you are traveling. You have completed 1,5 years in your role as a board member on the new board, I would like to ask you generally how are you and how do you feel about these years in IAGP?
This year began very moving to me. As you know, last May I married my Panamanian wife of mixed cultures (Jamaican, Argentina, American Indian) but on January 20th we got married by the catholic church. Though I am not religious, it was Malvina ́s deep wish and it turned out to become a very moving and impressive experience. The priest was very humane and truly committed to human values and of course the fiesta afterwards, a beachside dinner dance party was a lasting impression.
Just before I turned 69, I attended a congress of the German society of group psychotherapy and at the conference dinner I was chatting with another senior Group analyst about our common interest in blue water sailing. I told him that my life dream was to circumnavigate the world. And he responded, well now’s your last chance to do it, if you don’t do it soon you will be too old. Incidentally this is one of the ingredients of the group analytic psychotherapy: mirroring – not always charming but introducing the dimension of a common shared realty.
In 2020 I started my saling tour around the world from Panama va Galápagos, French Polynesia Papua NeuGuinea, Australia, Indonesia, Mauritius, La Mayotte, to Richards Bay, South Africa, from where I plan to continue my journey this year.
Being a member of the board too, in a way, is a sailing tour across different cultures. I think we, as board members, are very blessed to have a president that tries to give a voice to all members of the board and to elect our inherent creativity. What I experience also is that we still have to grow to become more able to integrate the negative, destructive forces that we all carry on ourselves and try to process them.
IAGP Board Member
Andreas von Wallenberg Pachaly, Germany
His first encounter with IAGP was in 1973
Andreas von Wallenberg Pachaly, Dipl.-Psych., Psychological Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst and Group-Analyst, is in private group-analytic and psychoanalytic practice in Duesseldorf, Germany. He studied Psychology in Montpellier, France, at Waseda University, Tokyo and Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munch. His psychoanalytic and Group-analytic studies he carried out with Kego Okonok, Tokyo, Gunther Amon, Berlin and Gustav Graber, Bern.
Since 1989 he’s head of the therapeutic community “Haus Steprath”. Since 1982 he is a member of Amnesty International’s German standing conference of medical doctors and psychologists for the treatment of victims of torture. He was head of the Düsseldorf Psychoanalytc and Group-Analytic traIning Institute of the German Academy of Psychoanalysis from 1980 to 1984. From 1987 until 2000 he was the director of the “Free Counselling Center for Psychotherapy” in Dusseldorf and developed the concept of sheltered living as a “TherapeutIc Community within the Community”. Hs special interests include therapeutic communities; group- therapy; the psychotherapy of psychosis; the group therapy of severe complex trauma and the application of group dynamics to the understanding of social processes. His hobby is blue water sailing.