The following Policies and Procedures (from now on indicated as P&P or P&Ps) replace any existing P&Ps, that have been approved by past Boards. Therefore, any previous P&P still being referenced from previous Board’s decisions must be considered null and void and substituted by those in this Manual that refer to the same subject.
This Manual is conceived as a user-friendly, easy to consult document, where P&Ps are grouped under categories that can be found in the Table of Contents. The Manual is composed of two parts
- Part 1 is a collection of policies and procedures either derived from the Bylaws’ articles or approved by the Board to regulate and support the management of the IAGP. Part 1 consists of binding rules that govern the everyday life of the institution. P&Ps of Part 1 can be amended, updated, and/or removed only if at least two thirds of the majority of all Board members, eligible to vote in a regularly summoned meeting, approve the change.
Some P&P are an absolute must, some others are a should where some exceptions can apply.
- Part 2 consists of different kind of materials: some are recommendations to help officers take up their role in committees, task forces and working groups; some are templates that can be used to speed up procedures and/or comply with binding rules; some others are just reports on how things were processed and assessed by previous officers, to function as an inspiration for new or old tasks and new teams. P&Ps of Part 2 can be amended, updated, and/or removed by simple majority of the members present in a regularly summoned Board meeting.
This Manual represents an ongoing process of IAGP to organise and develop its governance in a sustainable manner and within a sustainable vision.
This Manual will be made visible and accessible to all members, through the IAGP website. Whenever a new P&P is added, or one is changed/integrated/removed, it is a duty of the IAGP Vice President to ensure that the Secretary or another designated member publish on the website the revised Manual, with a note on the relevant changes, within two months from the approved change.